Yes, it is possible to get a loan with our lenders if you are self employed. Before lending you money, lenders typically review your credit, income and other factors to assess how likely you are to pay the loan back on time. But when you’re self-employed, proving you have a steady income stream and can make on-time payments may be a challenge. If you don’t have W-2s to rely on, here are some other ways you can prove you’re a solid candidate for a loan.
1. Tax returns and tax transcripts
In lieu of a W-2s or pay stubs, some lenders may request several years’ worth of tax returns or tax return transcripts to verify your income. A tax transcript is a document from the IRS with financial information that’s on your tax return, such as your adjusted gross income.
Keep in mind — lenders may review your net profit or loss and not just your gross income. So, if you bring in $75,000 annually as a self-employed graphic designer, but your net profit is adjusted to $60,000 after expenses, the lender may decide whether to approve you based on the $60,000.
2. Bank statements
A lender may ask for several weeks’ worth of bank statements to see whether you’re depositing enough income into your bank account to keep up with the monthly installment payment.